The Yellow Monkey (ザ・イエロー・モンキー) Music Best 50 (MP3-PC/SP) HTML5

  1. (The Yellow Monkey) ALRIGHT.mp3
  2. (The Yellow Monkey) BRILLIANT WORLD.mp3
  3. (The Yellow Monkey) BURN.mp3
  4. (The Yellow Monkey) Dear Feeling.mp3
  5. (The Yellow Monkey) Father (Remastered).mp3
  6. (The Yellow Monkey) FINE FINE FINE(live).mp3
  7. (The Yellow Monkey) Girlie.mp3
  8. (The Yellow Monkey) Heart Break.mp3
  9. (The Yellow Monkey) Horizon.mp3
  10. (The Yellow Monkey) I dont know.mp3
  11. (The Yellow Monkey) JAM.mp3
  12. (The Yellow Monkey) Love Communication.mp3
  13. (The Yellow Monkey) LOVE LOVE SHOW.mp3
  14. (The Yellow Monkey) Mishite Mishite.mp3
  15. (The Yellow Monkey) MY WINDING ROAD.mp3
  16. (The Yellow Monkey) Nai.mp3
  17. (The Yellow Monkey) Romantist Taste.mp3
  18. (The Yellow Monkey) Seinaru Umi To Sunshine.mp3
  19. (The Yellow Monkey) SHOCK HEARTS.mp3
  20. (The Yellow Monkey) So Young.mp3
  21. (The Yellow Monkey) Sora No Ao To Hontou No Kimochi.mp3
  22. (The Yellow Monkey) Souseji.mp3
  23. (The Yellow Monkey) SPARK.mp3
  24. (The Yellow Monkey) Stars.mp3
  25. (The Yellow Monkey) SUCK OF LIFE.mp3
  26. (The Yellow Monkey) SUGAR FIX.mp3
  27. (The Yellow Monkey) TACTICS (Remastered).mp3
  28. (The Yellow Monkey) Walkin' In Sunshine (Remastered).mp3
  29. (The Yellow Monkey) Welcome To My Doghouse.mp3
  30. (The Yellow Monkey) アバンギャルドで行こうよ.mp3
  31. (The Yellow Monkey) カナリヤ (Remastered).mp3
  32. (The Yellow Monkey) スリープレス(live).mp3
  33. (The Yellow Monkey) バラ色の日々.mp3
  34. (The Yellow Monkey) パール.mp3
  35. (The Yellow Monkey) プライマル。.mp3
  36. (The Yellow Monkey) ロザーナ.mp3
  37. (The Yellow Monkey) 人生の終わり.mp3
  38. (The Yellow Monkey) 嘆くなり我が夜のFantasy.mp3
  39. (The Yellow Monkey) 天国旅行.mp3
  40. (The Yellow Monkey) 天道虫.mp3
  41. (The Yellow Monkey) 太陽が燃えている.mp3
  42. (The Yellow Monkey) 悲しきASIAN BOY.mp3
  43. (The Yellow Monkey) 楽園.mp3
  44. (The Yellow Monkey) 熱帯夜.mp3
  45. (The Yellow Monkey) 球根.mp3
  46. (The Yellow Monkey) 真珠色の革命時代(live).mp3
  47. (The Yellow Monkey) 砂の塔.mp3
  48. (The Yellow Monkey) 空の青と本当の気持ち.mp3
  49. (The Yellow Monkey) 聖なる海とサンシャイン.mp3
  50. (The Yellow Monkey) 花吹雪(live).mp3
  51. (The Yellow Monkey) 追憶のマーメイド.mp3
  52. (The Yellow Monkey) 離れるな.mp3